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    2018 Brazil Carnival Beauties! Queens, Divas Costume Trends

    Posted on 29 March 2020

    What did the samba divas and queens used at the 2018 Samba Parade in Brazil? We covered it for you. We compiled fabulous costumes inspirations! Many ideas for your dream bikini costumes. Most of these are tens of thousands of dollars as they use more expensive prime materials like crystal stones, rhinestones and a variety of luxurious feathers like pheasants decorated with high end sparkling stones. Photo credits: 
    Some divas, queens and drums queens are gifted to use these expensive costume if they are celebrities. In exchange these samba schools gets the most clicks of the parade. The entire world are looking at these divas for inspiration and for beauty. Samba schools that has these divas prepare all year round for them with tons of open and public rehearsal plus interviews. News media from all over the world have eyes on If you want to be seen in Brazil carnival you become a muse...then you scale to queen, then drum queen or godmother to the drummers. That's the desire of any samba muse. To be THE QUEEN of all queens.
    Valeska Reis, queen of drums of Império de Casa Verde, SP (photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1)
    Not only the high tag/price you have to pay to be in these costumes (if you purchase or rent one), but you need to have a spectacular body and yes, you have to samba: that's a must and there is no negotiations! Some samba schools will have their own costume designers, other divas and queens prefers their outside atelier or designer/studio of their choice. The competition is great, so they hire the best designers, and guess what? we know most of them all. Each intricate high price tag costume has a theme and it has to fit in the parade story. They are all judged by what they wear, and how they behave with the public with their charisma and samba moves.
    Cintia Mello, muse, and Daniela Albuquerque, queen of drum of Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi (photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1)
    Sabrina Sato, a famous Brazilian TV celebrity, always sets the trend for the following year, and her costume are usually the most photographed and copied for years to come. Sabrina is usually the "Queen of Drum" of a samba school in both Rio or São Paulo, and her presence draws a crowd! She is for sure a costume trend setter. Here we see some of the most beautiful ones at the Brazilian parade in 2018, she has absolutely no problem showing her impeccable toned body. She is one fit beauty.
    Above Sabrina Sato, queen of drums of Gaviões da Fiel, with her drummers behind, (photo Fabtio Tito/G1)
    Above Sabrina Sato is the queen of drums Vila Isabel, with a costume that represents the light of inspiration (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1).
    Another celebrity is actress Juliana Paes. She is the darling of Brazilian TV and has always the top samba costumes to wow the globe. She sets the trend for seasons to come. Notice her costume with gold metallic details and a gorgeous Brazil green rig neck feather back piece.
    Juliana Paes right before the Grande Rio parade  (Photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    The 1st day of Carnival Parade was held in São Paulo, at the Anhembi is called "Special Group".
    Samba schools like Tom Maior, Rosas de Ouro, Acadêmicos do Tatuapé, Mancha Verde, Acadêmicos do Tucuruvi, Unidos do Peruche and Independente Tricolor where part of this 1st day.
    The 2nd day of Carnival Parade in São Paulo at the Anhembi, had samba schools Gaviões da Fiel, Vai-Vai, X-9 Paulistana, Império da Casa Verde, Mocidade Alegre.
    Above our beautiful and dear friend Mayara Do Nascimento, in a spectacular pheasant-galore costume as the diva-muse for Unidos de Padre Miguel.
    The 1st Day in Rio had samba schools: Estácio, Porto da Pedra, e Jacarepaguá.  The 2nd night of Rio, which are the best samba schools that won last year's positions were: São Clemente, Vila-Isabel, Império Serrano, Paríso de Tuiuti, Grande Rio, Mangueira and Mocidade, Salgueiro, Unidos da Tijuca, Império Serrano, Beija-Flor, Portela, Imperatriz Leopoldinense.
    Egili Oliveira in Green Butterfly, muse of Renascer de Jacarepaguá.
    Costumes had more intricate details like lace and tons of beading. They look very pageant and queen like. Some more modest than others.
    Muse Renata Kuerten is a "musical rainbow" for Grande Rio samba school (Photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    Muse fitness Denise Dias, is the Drum Queen for Renascer Samba School, using a costume with more than 20K hand sewed crystals and 600 pheasants feathers.
    Andreia Gomes and Pâmella Gomes, godmother of the drums and queen of the drums from Tom Maior (photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1) 
    In Rio we had schools parading in the 2nd day of the series "A": Viradouro, Padre Miguel, Alegria da Zona Sul, Acadêmicos de Santa Cruz, Acadêmicos da Rocinha, Cubango, Inocentes de Belford Roxo.
    Two-toned costumes like black and white or red and gold was widely used on the parades.
    Dabada Cris, muse of Rocinha, using a high rise cut one piece (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Ana Paula Minerato is one of the muses of Gaviões da Fiel (photo: Cauê Fabiano/G1)
    Above diva Shayenne Cesário, muse of  Rocinha (Photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    They all wanted high rise cuts.The high-cut, used back in the 80's swimwear showing much of the toned side hips and waist line was the style we noticed making a come back. In 2017, Sabrina Sato used a high "V" cut one piece and started the trend for the following year. Practically all of them used a high rise in 2018. We saw the high cut or like they say in Brazil "hang glide" cut (because the high rise bikini line looks like a hang glider) in bikini bottoms, trikini's and one piece costumes.
    Above diva Rafaella Mell (Photo: Cristina Boeckel/ G1)
    Renatta Teruel, musa da Unidos de Padre Miguel (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Above Maryanne Hipólito, queen of drums of Acadêmicos do Sossego (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Singer Lexa, queen of drums of Unidos de Bangu, no setor 1 (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Delicate beading on the entire costume was widely used, including framed face pieces.
    Ombré style or "degradé" work in two or more colors was widely used in the nude delicate trend. Some designers preferred embellished lace covered with rhinestones.
    Above Ellen Roche, queen of drums of  Rosas de Ouro, depicting a "second skin" one piece. Doesn't it look like the stones are glued over her body?(photo: Manuela Scarpa/Brazil News)
    Above, Pâmella Gomes, muse/diva from Imperatriz Leopoldinense (photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    In terms of costume trend on Rio and São Paulo, for the main "divas, queens, and Drums Queens", we did notice much transparency and delicate beaded work on the one pieces or "second-skin" body's, setting up a trend for the 2018 bikini costumes to come. Many costumes had "led lights" as accents to their costumes, specially if the parade was at night. There was led lights on back pieces, skirts of flag bearers, costumes and headpieces. It gives a great effect and all eyes are on them.
    Beautiful Isabelle Alves, muse of Renascer de Jacarapagua all lit up!!
    A total use of gold and/or silver beading trend was also big this year creating a more jeweled look, more expensive costume. Gold seemed to be the winner though, evoking pot of gold beauties. Empress costumes inspired in Cleopatra the queen of queens was noticed. We loved the imperial crows. Some had feathers, other headpieces were left alone with no feathers...after all a queen only needs her crown to reign.
    Above Carla Prata, muse of Imperatriz (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Monique Serpa, muse Imperatriz Leopoldinense (photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    Above queen of drums from Salgueiro, Viviane Araújo, (photo Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Above Muse of Mocidade Independente, last school to parade at the 1st night in Rio (photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    A mix of natural "goat's beard": imitating the look of horse's hair was seen in many back pieces.This is an inexpensive and a more eco-friendly-vegan option. It created richness and volume to any head and back piece. If you take good care, the "goat's beard" will last for years to come.The designers mixed the goat's beard with prime feathers at times. Goat's beard can be dyed in many colors or it can be made in ombre style. The possibilities are endless! 
    Gracyanne Barbosa above is the queen of drums from União da Ilha (Foto: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    Above Flavia Lyra, queen of drums of Imperatriz Leopoldinense representing an Egyptian goddess Bastet (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    We saw the native Brazilian (Brazilian Indians) costumes were a trend in many muses and divas.... and make-up was spectacular!!
    Above Alice Alves, queen of drums of Unidos de Padre Miguel (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1) in spectacular blue and white native Indian inspired costume.
    Raphaela Gomes is queen of drums from São Clemente (Photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    Viviane Araújo queen of drums of da Mancha Verde (photo: Fábio Tito/G1)
    Another trend we noticed was the minimalist one piece thin and delicate geometrical lines on the high rise one pieces, like the looks below. Notice how the lower bottom of the one piece has really small decorated strips and straps.
    Sabrina Sato with a super high rise one piece back in 2017 (photo Alexandre Durão / G1)
    A reference to gold metallic warrior gladiators in divas was also noticed to make them more regal and powerful. Big chunky bracelets completes the look. They were fierce!
    Camila Silva is queen of drums of Vai-Vai since 2009; she also paraded in Rio for Mocidade Independente (photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1)
    Some covered more the bust area, or preferred intricate elaborated one piece to show their bodies.
    Metallic mirrors was seen as a sparkling options like the one style below. These are special materials made for costume making.
    Above Evelyn Bastos, queen of drums from Mangueira (Photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Hanging bikini adornment belts were also seen in many bikini bottoms to add a bit more luxury to the costume.
    Bianca Monteiro, queen of drums of Portela, she started to samba dance when she was 13. (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Thaila Ayala diva from Grande Rio (photo: Alexandre Durão/G1)
    Most of these costume designers are our designers from our shop and you can contact us if you need similar looks. Here we see photos of the best photographers of Brazil, for G1 News.
    Carla Prata, muse of Imperatriz (photo: Marcos Serra Lima/G1)
    Above beautiful Simone, 1st flag bearer of Tom Maior (photo: Marcelo Brandt/G1)
    We hope you enjoyed our 2018 Brazilian Carnival Parade trend from Rio and São Paulo! Feel free to contact us at info@brzilcarnivalshop with any of you costume needs and questions.

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